Calculating average amount of memory used by each Apache process

Calculating average amount of memory used by each Apache process

You might need to calculate average amount of memory used by each Apache process for several reasons. One being deciding on MaxRequestWorkers . You can do it by running: ps -ylC httpd –sort:rss | awk ‘{x += $8;y += 1} END {print “Apache Memory Usage (MB): “x/1024; print “Average Process Size (MB): “x/((y-1)*1024)}’ Apache Memory…


MySQL log file quickly filling and growing large

While optimizing our MySQL server we noticed our mysqld.log was huge in size – 1GB+ – and it was filling every moment with the below message: [Warning] [MY-013360] [Server] Plugin mysql_native_password reported: ”mysql_native_password’ is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use caching_sha2_password instead’ Below article explains the issue But it…

Finding out Average and Peak Number of Concurrent Connections for Apache

In order to optimize Apache’s configuration we needed “Average and Peak Number of Concurrent Connections” but we didn’t have an external software like Prometheus or Zabbix to record and analyze historical data. So we needed to find a way with what we had at hand. First comes to mind: Daily Process Log in WHM: This…